- When he was 11, he sat up in bed in the middle of the night and called out, "Purple, purple, PURPLE!" Then he flopped back down to his pillow, still sound asleep.
- As a teenager and aspiring writer, he made himself an office in the long thin closet off his bedroom. He tacked up pithy and amusing quotes by Woody Allen and typed out poems and short stories.
- When he was about 3, he and my mom said good-bye to my dad, who was leaving for work. After my dad shut the door, Chris turned to my mom and said solemnly, "There goes a great man."
- He searches for Bigfoot and he wrote a book about it. Really. Here's his Web site: www.impossiblevisits.com.
- He's very funny. He's done standup comedy at the MFA program where he teaches.
- He baby-sits for my kids and only charges $25/hour.
If you're a writer, you might want to meet Chris. He has a freelance business as a manuscript editor called Green Mountain Prose. So if you've written a book, or some chapters of a book, or a short story, or an essay, and you're feeling unusure about whether they're publishable, you could send them to my brother (or his able business partner and fellow editor Ellen Lesser) and he would read and critique them. He's very good at this, people. He's been teaching at one of the best MFA programs in the country for over 20 years. So you'll be in good hands. And you just might learn something (or a LOT) about Bigfoot.
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