But then I had to get to work. I had a full day planned: after dropping off the boys, I'd to go to Capitol Grounds and edit, and then go up to the gym for cardio and swimming. Then I'd come home, finish the book I'm editing, and move on to my weekly grocery shopping. The rest of the night would be devoted to my piece for Figrig, with a short break for Curb Your Enthusiasm (my latest obsession).
It was an ambitious plan. I didn't manage the gym, and I simply had to take a nap. But I did take a walk after the nap (and a strong cup of Earl Grey), and by golly, I finished my editing and a rough draft of the Figrig piece. Impressive! The best part was the long stretch of time I had to just focus on work. For me, that's the holy grail: long stretches of time. On the other hand, if I had as much time as I yearn for, it would probably work against me. I think it's the infrequency of times to work that makes them so delicious. And successful.
After polishing up the Figrig piece before work this morning, I felt pretty darn good. Yay for me.
Photo from http://www.infed.org/images/illustrations/coffee_journal_mills1983-flickr_attrib_noderivs.jpg.
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